Why sport training matters according to Ahmed Ahmed, known as “Ahmed Mokbel”?

August 06 12:30 2021
Why sport training matters according to Ahmed Ahmed, known as "Ahmed Mokbel"?
Why sport training matters according to Ahmed Ahmed, known as “Ahmed Mokbel”?
The benefits of regular sports are countless, and its impact on the athletes’ lives is immediate in terms of health and aesthetic dimensions as well as the physiological and psychological ones. Many people believe that the benefits of sports are limited to only losing weight and burning excess fat, such a belief is totally unfair. In order to spread knowledge about the benefits of exercise and training in human life.

Ahmed Ahmed, also known as Ahmed Mokbel, shares with his audience some major benefits and facts about sports training. 

1) Would you please introduce yourself to our audience?

My name is Ahmed Ahmed, also known as “Ahmed Mokbel”. I am an Egyptian personal trainer and fitness coach located in Dubai, UAE. I began my journey as a fitness coach and personal trainer after graduating from the Faculty of Commerce at Cairo University by joining local bodybuilding competitions.

2) Was “personal trainer” a dream or a career you sought for?

As I mentioned before, I studied and graduated from the Faculty of Commerce at Cairo University, but my love and passion for personal training and fitness urged me to follow up my dream in being one of the most influential personal trainers and fitness coaches. It is all about my passion, love and talent at the same time.

3) Based on your knowledge as a personal trainer, what are the main benefits of sport training?

Training is extremely important and should form an integral part of our daily routines. Training allows the body to gradually build up strength and endurance, improve skill levels and build motivation, ambition and confidence. Training also allows all athletes to gain more knowledge of their sport as well as enabling them to learn about the importance of having a healthy mind and body. In terms of physical effects of training, regular exercise increases muscle tone, facilitates good circulation, improves strength, agility and flexibility. Besides it improves the rate of waste product disposal. Regular training also speeds up recovery time following physical exercises; this enables the body to cope with the demands of training more effectively and makes it more resistant to injury and illness. Training also has benefits for mental health as it improves concentration and increase self-esteem.

4) In your opinion, why people don’t exercise despite knowing the importance of training?

I believe that modern technological development is playing a major role in having people neglecting their daily training and sports nowadays. People prefer spending more time surfing internet and chatting rather than making exercises.

5) How much time do you recommend for training?

I can say that training for only 30 minutes, 4-3 times a week, are way enough to get the best outcome.

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